January, 05 2023
Jl. Margomulyo No. 29A, Surabaya
Shareholders of PT. Gunawan Dianjaya Steel Tbk. (the Company) are hereby invited to attend Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (meeting/EGMS) that will be held on:
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Thursday / February 2, 2023 |
Time |
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10:00 Western Indonesian Time (WIB) - end |
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Meeting Hall/ Aula of PT. Gunawan Dianjaya Steel Tbk.
Jl. Margomulyo No. 29A, Tambak Sarioso, Asemrowo Surabaya |
Agenda of the EGMS is as follows:
Changes in Article 3 of the Company’s Articles of Association related to Purposes as well as Business Activities of the Company so that thereafter Article 3 of the Articles of Association sounds as follows:
Purposes of the Company are:
- To engage in the field of Steel Rolling Industry - (KBLI code 24102).
- To engage in the field of Laboratory Testing Service - (KBLI code 71202)
With the following agenda explanations:
- It is to adjust to the business type of the Company according to Indonesian Standard Classification of Business Fields (KBLI) as according to Central Body for Statistics’ (BPS) Regulation (Regulation No. 2 Year 2020 dated September 15, 2020) and regarding Electronically Integrated Business License Services (PP 24/2018).
- The Company plans to apply for Certification of Accredited Laboratory Testing of the Company’s Products for a laboratory which has been owned by the Company so that its test results may be acknowledged by external parties. Aplication for Accreditation to National Accreditation Committee (KAN) with SNI ISO 17025:2017 for Laboratory requires record in the Articles of Association of the Company and adjusted to KBLI as according to BPS’ Regulation No. 2 Year 2020 dated September 15, 2020
- The Company do not disperse individual invitations to shareholders. This serves as a invitation or announcement.
- Those who reserve the rights to attend are shareholders whose names are recorded in the list of shareholders of the Company on Thursday January 5, 2023 at 16:00 WIB.
- A shareholder who are unable to attend may appoint a proxy to represent him/her in the meeting and the first can give authorization electronically (e-Proxy) via eASY.KSEI to the Independent Proxy provided by the Company which is Company’s Securities Administration Bureau (PT. BSR Indonesia) and submit his/her vote at latest 1 (one) working day at 12:00 (WIB) before the EGMS.
- Shareholders whose shares are placed in the KSEI collective custodian are to submit Written Confirmation for Meeting (KTUR) when entering the meeting hall.
- A shareholder and/or a proxy who attend the meeting must follow these procedures:
- To submit a copy of their Identity Cards (KTP) and to show the cards or other valid identification (A representation of a shareholder which is a legal entity must be accompanied by a proof of authorization by the entity) before entering the hall.
- To wear a mask, to not handshake any one at all time and must maintain safe proximity with other attendants in the meeting.
- For the orderliness of the meeting, shareholders or proxies, attending the meeting, are expected to have filled the list of attendants 30 (thirty) minutes before the meeting starts.
- Meeting materials are available in the Company’s office and can be obtained by written request from shareholders starting from today or be accessed through the Company’s website (www.gunawansteel.com).
Surabaya, January 06, 2023
Board of Directors